This last painting, Windy Good Harbor, was painted in September 2012 after James and I spent a lot of time photographing the area. I have a great repertoire of photo references to last me through the Winter now, so I can hunker down and paint my way through the worst gales and home-bound storms this season has to throw at us. I just recently entered Windy Good Harbor into the Art of the Sleeping Bear art competition. I will discover in February whether it gets accepted or not. If so, it will be exhibited in the show at the Dennos Museum in Traverse City, and will also be published in a coffee-table book showcasing the collection of art from the show. I really hope it gets in!
James and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary last week. We also are finally in our new home on the south shore of Lake Leelanau, in Leelanau County. And, while I am not yet settled, boxes are still everywhere, I am really enjoying my new environment. I get to paint AND watch the families of ducks and loons paddling up the shore line from my studio/living room window. It is the most beautiful view! We are situated very close to the water, so I can easily see the lapping waves from my easle. It is a nice vast view, around almost three sides of the house, and we are just across the lake from my mother's house. I never thought I would be so blessed, but God is very good to me, and so is my wonderful husband James. I have a commissioned painting deadline I am trying to meet, and so no time to unpack yet other than the essentials and my art stuff. But, I can't wait to finish making this fabulous place into our home. I'm itching to begin sewing curtains and bedspreads and making it cozy for us to settle into for the Winter. Meanwhile, I know I am going to be highly inspired to paint in my new lakeside studio.
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